Red Herring July 11 2023 Puzzle Answers
Red Herring 11 July Answers were just published here on our site and are grouped below each question that appeared today on Red Herring puzzle. When spotting any inaccurate answer please help us by commenting down below so we can fix it. There are usually 4 Red Herrings which are designed to mislead you in your quest to solve the Daily Puzzle, but worry not we found them little buggers and listed them below.
Turkey Dinner Sides
- Mashed Potatoes
- Stuffing
- Green Bean Casserole
- Yams
Canned Foods
- Cranberry Sauce
- Dinty Moore Stew
- Spaghettios
- Sardines
Email Folders
- Inbox
- Drafts
- Sent
- Spam
Red Herrings
- Lasagna
- Clydesdales
- Bologna
- Haflingers
Interesting References
- More than 150 million cans of SpaghettiOs pasta loops in sauce (which debuted in 1965) are sold each year.